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Legion Social Logo

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a volunteer managing my social media, why would I pay someone to do it? As professionals with over 15 years experience, we know tricks your volunteers don't. Plus, our contet is shareworthy with the use of beautiful imagery and videos that get seen. We also connect you with all the groups we can find in your area to make sure you're content is reaching far and wide.

What if I already have a Facebook, IG, Etc. Page set up? No problem! We just need administrative access to it to start making improvements and posting daily.

How are payments collected? Do I need to pay online? You can certainly pay online, or via check. We just ask that payment is received within 10 days of starting our services. You can also pay with multiple checks if you intend to split up the cost between entities (Post, Bar, Etc.)

Will I still be able to access and post on my social media accounts? Absolutely, we will make sure you have administrative access to all of your accounts.

What if I already have a website, how does that work? The hardest part is figuring how who owns the domain and if you can access it. Provided you can (and we can help with that) we can simply transfer your domain and hosting over to your new website or create a re-direct if you want an improved URL.

Is there a fee if I decide to cancel? No, we will see how much is left of your contract and pro-rate what has been used, etc.

Have any additional questions?

We're happy to help! Give us a call or drop us an email and we'll get back to you shortly!

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